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Tips - Healthy Advice for Raising CONFIDENT and RESILIENT Children

Shop, Justine Chard

'The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.'
William James

First, let me say that being a teacher is very different to being a parent. The good thing is that we are both on the same team and are trying to achieve the same results. Most of my opinions are just that, opinions. As parents very quickly realize, there is no one set way to raise a happy, resilient and confident child.
Perhaps the common factor associated with a child having a poor attitude, experiencing fears and demonstrating ineffective communication skills, would be poor self-esteem. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of ‘quality’ parental involvement. Children need this quality time so they can learn, emulate and make mistakes under a nurturing and encouraging umbrella.
Building relationships with children is especially important in the hours just before school when children can voice concerns about the day, and in the first hour or so after school when children want to ‘debrief’ or make sense of what happened during the day. The more parents get to know their children, the more they are in a position to help them find that special ‘niche’. Children need to find areas of particular interest upon which to build the foundation for future success.

A is for Attitude – Developing a positive attitude within a child.
Attitude affects everything in life from getting out of bed to climbing back in.
“10% is WHAT happens to you. 90% is HOW you deal with WHAT happens to you.”
Author unknown
B is for Bravery – Developing a brave and resilient child.
Bravery is the ‘white knight in shining armour’ that fights our fears. It is a reflection of confidence. “We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.”
Helen Keller
C is for Communication – Developing effective communication skills within a child.
 Happiness and the quality of our lives are determined by how effectively we communicate with ourselves and with others. Generally, good communication skills are a learned ability.
“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
Carl W. Buechner
D is for Determination – Developing perseverance and determination within a child.
Determination is essential in overcoming the many obstacles that may be faced when life throws you a curve ball.
E is for Birmingham, England - E is for Excellence.
Being exceptional at something is not painless. It takes lots of resilence and difficult practice, especially in overcoming the many obstacles that may be faced when life throws you an ordinary ball.

Justine Chard - PO Box 201 Montville, 4560, Queensland, Australia | E: WorkingDogPublications